Lands of Lore

I forgot to mention in my previous entry the game I'm actually playing now, of those old classics. It's Lands of Lore, by Westwood. A first-person step movement RPG. Obviously it appeals to me because I love Dungeon Master so much, but it's a great game in its own right. It's a lot more story focused than DM, and simpler in its gameplay (particularly the magic system). It is quite a glorious example of nice VGA graphics. Monsters scale nicely (the environment too can be set to scale smoothly as you walk, but I find this offputting and prefer the immediacy of clear steps, so I disabled the option). It's quite hectic, too, and throws a lot of enemies at you. I've had a fair few hairy moments in the dungeons so far, really takes me back to some of the moments in DM. Low on health and mana and being pursued by a gang of enemies.

1 comment:

Proth said...

Ah Lands of Lore, I'm playing that one right now as well, but I'm stuck at the mines at the moment...